Southview students and staff are afforded a wealth of resources through the Heartland Area Education Agency. To access databases, log in to Heartland AEA OneClick by clicking the link below and then clicking the “sign in with Google” button. Once you sign in with your school Gmail account, you can access each digital resource independently and you won’t have to log in again. You will no longer need to use generic the school username/password. In addition to being more convenient and easier to use, this new mode of access also provides increased security and better privacy.
If you have any questions, please talk to your Teacher Librarian in the library.
Click the One Click button below to start exploring!
Additional School Purchased Databases
Southview now has access to all of the EBSCO databases.
Click the button above for access.
Get the login and password from your teacher, librarian, or the library Canvas page.
Research with NoodleTools
NoodleTools is a building paid subscription citation tool. With NoodleTools you can:
- Collect sources in a project
- Create quick links back to each source, to quickly access a source without recreating your search.
- Get help with in-text citations
- Create a works cited page with one click
Noodle Tools Tutorials
- Log in using Google
- Create a new project
- Share your project with a teacher
- Create a notecards
- Dreate and edit a source citation
- Import a source citation from a database
- Copy and paste a preformatted citation
- Import a source citation from a Gale database
- Import a source citation from a EBSCO database
- Add or edit an annotation
- Export and print source citations
Reading with MackinVIA
Over 3,000 titles of online eBooks, audiobooks, and databases are available, some with 50 copies!